
RIP Coach  

Posted by Frazier

I just wanted to echo the big man's words on Coach Walsh. As a kid, I worshiped Joe Montana and the 49ers. I loved Coach Walsh, and was crushed when he walked away from the game.

It was only fitting that in retirement he was a teacher. He was one of the first to look at the game in a serious, rational way, and find flaws in the way things had always been done. He was an innovator, a mad scientist, a scholar. He was "Moneyball" before there was such a thing. He was so far ahead of his time that it's only now that anyone is catching up to him. Football, all of football, is the way it is today because of his influence. That's why, even though we focus on college football, we know how important Coach Walsh was. He was a thinker, and a schemer, and at the same time he coached from the heart.

Like all great coaches, football wasn't just a pastime. It was a life.

I am definitely a little more upset at his passing than I probably should be. But something happens to you when a little part of your childhood dies.

I guess, in a way, Bill Walsh was a part of my life.

Thank you, coach.



Bill Walsh  

Posted by Walter

Sad news today, that legendary NCAA and NFL coach Bill Walsh has lost his long battle with Leukemia. Walsh, a winner of three Super Bowls with the 49ers and two bowl games with Stanford, is generally credited with being amongst the greatest and most innovative offensive minds ever. Though better known for his mastery of NFL defenses during his time in San Fran, perhaps Walsh's greatest contributions to the game came during his time at Palo Alto. It was as head man for the Cardinal where Walsh developed his famed West Coast offense, eschewing the vertical passing game in lieu of shorter, more precise timing patterns. While this innovative offensive philosophy was initially met with much skepticism, Walsh's success spoke for itself, and the rest is, as they say, history.

Since retiring from football, Walsh has spent his days as a motivational speaker and part time professor at the Stanford Business school, all while battling cancer.

Bill Walsh will be missed by all those who knew him, the Stanford community, the 49ers family, but more importantly by football fans everywhere. Walsh lives on in our memories, but also on the field where more than 20 former Walsh assistants are head coaches at the college and professional levels.

You will be missed Coach Walsh.

Bill Walsh



Quick Hitch...  

Posted by Frazier

Wow, just needed a quick moment to comment on this story. Apparently Oklahoma will be forfeiting all wins from their 2005 season, and scholarships, etc. It's a little surprising because Bob Stoops has always run a pretty tight ship. It just goes to show that boosters can be a coach's worst enemy. Also, a combination of young kids, inordinate fame, and lots of money often leads to bad decisions.

While we here at the 323 would like to think that this sort of thing is rare, and NEVER happens, nobody is that naive. There is a dirty underbelly to college football that we have chosen not to focus on. The games are great, the traditions are great, and despite all the problems, the game is fair. Shady dealings are widespread enough that no one team is gaining a real advantage, and teams that cross the line usually end up paying for it. All that said, Bob Stoops has to be extra-careful now that his dealings are all above-board. Another misstep and they will be paying dearly.

Also, sorry about the hiatus. Things have been hectic for both the big man and myself. But we would never forsake 323 nation. We shall return.

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