Quick Hitch...
Posted by Frazier
I have to take a moment to respond to the big man.
I understand that he is looking "at the moment" with his Heisman picks. And I understand his criticism of my picks as being too boring and pedestrian. It's a valid argument. We obviously have taken different tacts in putting together our lists. Hardly a shocker.
I just have a problem with a list that consists exclusively of quarterbacks.
And, if we're doing straight stats, let's hand the award to Graham Harrell, he of the 1,300 passing yards, 75% completion percentage and 14 touchdowns.
Just a quick defense of my picks.
1: McFadden leads the NCAA in all-purpose yards per game. That's kind of an important statistic. Oh, and here's a quote from the big man himself regarding the Bama game, "McFadden turning in a heismanlike performance". Last checked you weren't too considered about his injured hamstring.
2: Slaton leads the nation in scoring, hitting paydirt three times per game this year.
3: I made my case for White earlier, it doesn't need rehashing here.